About Hereford Round Table
Hereford Round Table is a modern movement with the members at its heart, the Round Table Movement today remains true to its founder’s vision, is proud of its successes, and more than ready to welcome the next generation.
Founded to give young men a place to meet, make friends, and exchange ideas, the Round Table is non-religious, non-political and non-sectarian, and has as much to offer men today as it did when it started in 1927.
As important as what the Round Table is, is what it isn’t. If you think the Round Table is a closed, secret society that belongs to the past, you couldn’t be further from the truth.
Much more than just a club or an association, the Round Table is a vibrant movement whose 8,000 members meet regularly in 600 clubs around the UK to see friends, have fun, and get involved in their local communities.
The energy that members bring to Table forms friendships, shapes lives and makes a lasting difference to many people beyond the movement itself.
Aims and Objectives
- To develop the acquaintance of young men through the medium of their professional and business occupations.
- To emphasise the fact that one’s calling offers an excellent medium of service to the community.
- To cultivate the highest ideal in business, professional and civic traditions.
- To recognise the worthiness of all legitimate occupations and to dignify each his own by precept and example.
- To further the establishment of peace and goodwill in international relationships.
- To further these objects by meetings, lectures, discussions and other activities.